I feel like this week has hit me like a freight train going one hundred miles an hour! Summer school and enrichment started Monday, meaning no more sleeping in until 8 and having to be ready to go at a normal school hour. I was really beginning to enjoy those lazy mornings! Although it has been a busier week, here's what I've been...
[1.] Take a deep breath! This is the most exciting time where you are finally in the classroom! Although it may be intimidating walking to the office and your classroom that first day, it will soon feel like your second home. [2.] Take full advantage of your mentor teacher. My mentor teacher was literally the sweetest person I've met. Not only was she...
I've been applying and applying and applying for jobs since districts started posting and I've been at a complete stand still with getting any calls for an interview. Many of the districts I've applied for use Aplitrack, which is an online application process and doesn't allow for any additional materials that would help you stand out. So when a kindergarten position opened up...
I've been graduated for three weeks now, WHAT IN THE WORLD?! As I'm getting into the swing of adult summer life before I begin teaching summer school, I thought I'd share a few purchases I made this week and what else I've been up to post grad life. 1.. Four words: Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale. I'm apologizing to my bank account, but I...
I could not wait to share my Memorial Day outfit with y'all! The weather here in Central Illinois has been blazing hot one day, freezing the next so I decided to go with an outfit that would work for whatever the weather would throw us. My adorable scarf is from a little shop in Pasadena, CA a few years back. Top - Target...
I'm so happy to announce that The Adventure of a Future Teacher is no longer because… I just graduated from Illinois State University AND I'm a newly licensed Illinois teacher!! *Enter happy dance here!* ...
WOW! It has been since spring break that I posted?! I don't even know where to begin with all the change and updates that have happened since March. Ok so here's a quick run down. 1. The littles are finally here!! They've been officially home for five weeks and life has completely flipped upside down. But, aren't they just the most precious things...