High Five For Friday


Wow, it's Friday already!? Today is a bitter sweet post as it's Jonny's last full day here and school for the littles aka work, starts on Tuesday. But, nonetheless, I'm linking up with Lauren to share my week! 

My grandparents were in town for the week of Christmas and a part of this week. We hadn't seen them since last year at Christmas since we live on opposite sides of the country, so it was a great spending the holidays with them! 

Jonny and I rang in 2014 in comfy clothes, the couch and bowl games. I was very content just watching football and snuggled up with my man. 

End of seasons sales were my best friends this week. I got two new tops from Express, originally $30 each, but on sale for $11 - what a dealio! Victoria's Secret was also having semi-annual sales so I snagged a pullover and tee. 

I've been fully gluten free for 3 almost 4 weeks now, no cheating at all (which was SO difficult) but Jonny and I have found some good grub in town that I could actually eat! I'm so thankful for my man who loves to eat good food but is so patient as I have to say no to so many restaurants since they don't offer Gluten Free. 

This week has been nothing but amazing. Even though we've had bellow zero temperatures, I've been able to spend it with my man. The last time we saw each other was 7 months ago, but I'm so thankful for the Lord's provision in our relationship and the time this week. Even though we have to say goodbye tomorrow, I know we can handle the next 5 months of classes until we see each other. 

How has your first week of 2014 been? 

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