January Reads


One of my many goals for 2014 is to read more for pleasure. As a college student once the semester is in full swing I find myself wanting to do anything but read another book.

After picking up a few new titles and dusting off the covers of some old ones, I decided to make reading for myself a priority. And we've had no school for the littles since we're in extreme cold, feels like -34, I've had a few extra days to settle in with a good book!

[Wheat Belly]
No, I'm not trying to lose the weight, but I am trying to gain my health back. After battling for years with acne and bad stomach aches after eating gluten, I finally decided I needed to be gluten free. Let me tell you, it has been a rewarding and challenging last month as I have been strictly GF (and yes even over the holidays!) But, I have never felt better and my acne troubles are beginning to clear up slightly. My mom got this book for Christmas and I've been dying to dive into it.

So far - the first 20 pages are spot on.

[A Heart Like His]
One of my dear friends told me about a e-book sale of Beth Moore where some of her books were FREE, so you know I had to jump on that. Beth Moore is one of my favorite Christian authors and I was so excited to pick up a few of her titles, even if it meant reading from iBooks. I started this one last night - a reflection on the life of David - oh my, it's powerful and I'm only a chapter in!

What are your current reads for January?

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