Welcome 2014


Happy New Year from my little piece of paradise to you! Jonny has been in town for the past few days so we're having a relaxing night in.

I am a very goal orientated person so every new year brings a chance for me to revisit the years goal, see my progress and make new ones for the coming year. I used to make one long list, but this year I decided to break them down into four categories; Spiritual, Physical, Relational, and Professional. Here are just a few from each, I won't bore you with my extensive list ; ) 

Spiritual: Spend daily time in prayer and the word
Physical: Crossfit and Yoga bi-weekly 
Relational: Be content in the moment of dating, don't feel rushed to get engaged
Professional: Stay in Honors Program/Qualify for Departmental Honors and read for pleasure off my book list. 

What are your New Year goals? How did you do with this years? 

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